About me blogging!

I'm not a writer or the type of person who maintains a diary,i'm a philosopher(well everyone is one deep inside) and a lover of quotes,philosophy and other fascinating writings!
I had a desire to have a blog since i was in SYJC i.e. from 2014,and here is an article about me on the path of blogging

Year 2014 to August 2015:

 Pre-blogging thoughts-

Just had a single thing in my mind-MY BLOG SHOULD GO VIRAL
In short i wanted to get popular as a blog author and wanted my blog to be awesome to do so
But that would mean that i would have to write Genuine posts and that posts also should be well written,grammatically correct,interesting and bla bla bla...

I set out to blog-

It was like following this algorithm
1.Create a blog
2.Waste a week thinking about an catchy title
3.Waste another week thinking about its url
4.Repeat steps 2 & 3 for 4-5 times because i'm not satisfied easily
5.Waste another month or so customizing the blog(selecting template,background,layout,text design etc etc)
6.Finally click on 'New Post'
7.Waste few days figuring out what should i write to fill that blank space
8.Give up and think that you couldn't write a post because you were busy studying or attending classes
9.Get bored by the appearance of my postless blog
10.Go to Step1

Conclusions of my failed blogging attempt-

My motive to blog for getting popular was a wrong one,it simply meant chasing for publicity and writing to please people

June 2015:

Started a tumblr blog, where i just reblogged stuff that i liked from other blogs,never posted a genuine article because i wasn't confident if i could write one!

August 2015:

Change of thoughts-

I realized that blogging is not about writing posts to impress or please people.It is about sharing your thoughts and other articles that amaze you. It doesn't matter if therse's no audience to view your blog posts,because the blog is your creation and one must always be proud(without ego) of its creation!And work on improving it..

Creation of this blog-

Finally i created this blog on 9th August 2015,and wrote whatever came to my mind,this time didn't waste time customizing ,just took 10-15 mins to setup the entire thing keeping the blog clean and simple!

More about this blog-

As i have stated earlier i am no writer,so most of the posts here will be articles from various places on the internet,articles those seem amazing or simply intriguing!
Though i have planned to keep writing genuine posts on some random topics as well as about my philosophies once in a while,hope that i improve further :D


Though i have stated earlier that getting no views doesn't matter, i'm a human so it does make me happy if my work gets noticed(i don't crave for views as badly as an year ago)

Sorry for my bad writing skills!
The link to my tumblr blog- http://thelegendarydhokla.tumblr.com/

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