Saturday 24 October 2015

Illusions everywhere!

I strongly recommend reading the previous post before going on,so that it all makes sense.
(Click Here if you haven't read the previous one)
Following are my opinions and yours might differ.

The people of this age are interested in twists and turns and contradictions. And the media knows it very well, so it only shows you the part of truth that you want to see.
For instance-
At first people wanted to believe that Rama was the good in the epic and Ravana was the evil one,so they ignored the parts where Rama's idealness could be questioned and the good part of Ravana.
And then that story was spread by the masses,even though the story was true it was incomplete and portrayed only the Good part of Rama and the Evil of Ravana.
But as i've said in the beginning that people are interested in twists,so then the story was interpreted likewise showing Ravana's knowledge and respect for women and Rama being from a male dominant society.
The story was bended that way and now people think that Ravana was indeed a great person.

If you are unaware i would like to tell that Ravana had ordered to kill his own daughter because someone had predicted that she would be the cause of destruction.
So what do you feel of my last post where the girl states that she wished a brother like Ravana,surely the girl was clever enough to state only the points which supported her idea of brother being like Ravana.

 On one hand i can say that Ravana was evil because he made his own sister widow by killing Vidyutjihva the husband of Surpankha but then i can take sides of Ravana and say that Vidyutjihva was trying to usurp the throne of Lanka and so he had a valid reason to do that!

Captivated by the beauty of a a brahmin girl named Vedavathi Ravana tried to molest her and own her.

Coming back to Surpankha episode,Surpankha having had her nose cut by Lakshman wanted a revenge. Surpanka knew that Ravana had a weakness for beautiful women and so she takes advantage of it to take her revenge.As she describes Sita's beauty to Ravana he falls in love with her even without seeing her and wishes to marry her,so Ravana kidnaps Sita not as a revenge for her sisters insult but because he is lovestruck and wants to marry her!
And for people believing that Ravana was better then the people who abuse and do horrible things to women read on-
Ravana wanted to force himself on Sita but he could not do that because of a curse,the story is as follows,
 Ravana and his army were once camped on mount Kailash, preparing to attack Devaloka (the kingdom of the gods), when he saw the Apsara (nymph) Rambha and was enchanted by her beauty. He propositioned her, but she refused his advances, saying that she was like Ravana's daughter-in-law, as she was on her way to see Nalakuvara, son of Ravana's brother Kubera the god of wealth. Ravana paid no heed to this, saying that Rambha was an Apsara, and Apsaras are never wedded to just one husband. He then ravished Rambha. When Nalakuvara heard what had happened, he put the following curse on Ravana:

Oh fair one, since thou hast been ravished despite thy unwillingness he shall never be able to get by an unwilling damsel. Whenever he shall, stricken by lust, ravish a reluctant damsel, his head shall be sundered into seven pieces. 

 So Ravana couldn't take liberties with Sita against her will. He had to get Sita to marry him voluntarily, although he did use threats to try to convince her. When he first brings her to Lanka, he says this:

Oh, angry lady Maithili, listen to my words. A period of twelve months is given to you. And oh, smiley smiler, if you do not come nigh of me within that period, then the cooks will slice you to pieces for the purpose of a morning meal.
And when Hanuman came to Lanka, he hears Ravana telling Sita that he would keep his word and give her two more months before killing her:

O Seetha with best complexion! Whatever limit has been made by me to you, those two months are protectable to me. Thereafter ascend my bed. Above two months you not desiring me as husband will be killed in my kitchen for my breakfast.

So if you have believed what was written in the previous article,i hope that i have opened your eyes to the truth of our daily life.
Our thoughts are too easy to manipulate,and i think that media does this same thing.
They know how we people perceive things and they make us believe something by changing the angles in which the truth seen.

As for who was good and who was evil in the epic of Ramayana,it's all yours to decide, i don't want to judge that because i doubt if it matters.
If you believe Ravana was all good Valmiki might've biased the text :D (hope you got what i wanted to say)

Our reality is all an illusion,shaped by our beliefs.

"Accept that infinite occurences in universe cannot be fathomed by finite human mind"  ― Devdutt PattanaikJaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata

Within infinite myths lies the Eternal Truth Who sees it all? Varuna has but a thousand eyes Indra, a hundred And I, only two”  ― Devdutt PattanaikJaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata

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